Gallery from Listing

Make a quarto lighbox gallery from a listing of files located in a directory.


Nathan Craig


March 22, 2024


April 4, 2024

Problem: Given a directory of image files that is located in an project root, create a lightbox gallery in quarto.

Let’s start by getting a list of jpg files.

file_list <- list.files("images", pattern = "*.jpg")

[1] “4-3.jpg” “data_scientist.jpg” “ml_over_time.jpg”
[4] “one_does_not.jpg” “perfect_date.jpg” “useR.jpg”

We can also create some captions in a text file and load these as a variable. Then we need to match the File value with the file name.

captions <- read.table("images/captions.txt", header = TRUE, sep=",")
                File                        Caption
1 data_scientist.jpg      These are fighting words.
2   ml_over_time.jpg  A rose is a rose is a rose...
3            4-3.jpg                   See no evil.
4   one_does_not.jpg           Regression learning.
5   perfect_date.jpg            YYYY-MM-DD is best.
6           useR.jpg        This is a useR caption!

The %in% operator will test if the file name string is present. We can see that the caption file names are all in the file list.

captions$File %in% file_list

We can use match() to find the index locations. Doing so we see that things are not in order. In captions.txt, there is a caption for each file, but the order is different than file_list.

match(captions$File, file_list)
[1] 2 3 1 4 5 6

The order() function can solve that.

captions <- captions[order(captions$File),]

Great, now they are in order.

match(captions$File, file_list)
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6

Now once properly ordered, we’ll build the string that we need to construct the gallery.

file_list <- paste0("![", captions$Caption , "](images/", file_list, "){group=\"my-gallery\"}\n\n")

In the paste0() function above, I noticed that lightbox did not work with just \n but does work with \n\n.

With the string in place we’ll output the text and pipe it through a fenced div to get columns.


See no evil.

See no evil.

These are fighting words.

These are fighting words.

A rose is a rose is a rose…

A rose is a rose is a rose…

Regression learning.

Regression learning.

YYYY-MM-DD is best.

YYYY-MM-DD is best.

This is a useR caption!

This is a useR caption!

This isn’t perfect because if there is a file without a caption it will not show. Need to figure out how to put a blank string into any image that lacks a caption.


BibTeX citation:
  author = {Craig, Nathan},
  title = {Gallery from {Listing}},
  date = {2024-03-22},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Craig, Nathan. 2024. “Gallery from Listing.” March 22, 2024.